Commodity Capital AG’s team actively embraces sustainable practices in raw material extraction, incorporating this commitment into our foundational philosophy and operational structures since 2009. We prioritize sustainability in both our daily operations and all investment decisions related to raw material projects. Commodity Capital AG underscores its commitment to sustainability by aligning with the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), highlighting the importance of sustainability criteria in guiding our investment decisions.
Central to our commitment is the responsibility to create sustainable value for our investors and partners by giving precedence to economic, ecological, and social considerations. The provision of "green or electric mobility," sustainable economic development, and essential daily items heavily relies on raw material extraction. As part of our work, we aim to explore how raw materials can be responsibly sourced, and we are developing strategies for ore mining to prioritize environmental, social, and governance sustainability without compromising vital resources.
Tobias Tretter (Managing Partner)
"Sustainability stands as the foundational value guiding both our investment decisions and the intrinsic value of our holdings."
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Checking investment objects for criteria such as payment of fair wages or social benefits
Ensuring of core labor rights: child labor and unhealthy working conditions are absolute exclusion criteria of any investments
High standards of occupational health and safety
Promotion of green energies such as solar, wind, hydropower or geothermal energy.
Investments in companies that use environmentally friendly technologies to extract raw materials.
Focusing on companies that already integrate reforestation plans or the dismantling of extraction facilities into their open-cast mining concept.
Ecological thinking also in everyday working life, e.g. by avoiding paper or using renewable energies.
Targeted measures to prevent bribery and corruption
Development and expansion of the local education system (establishment of schools, further education and training facilities for local workers)
Development and expansion of infrastructure such as roads, hydropower plants, solar power plants or housing for workers and their families
Development and expansion of health care, e.g. construction of health centers, hospitals or medical stations
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Überprüfung der Investitionsobjekte auf Kriterien wie Zahlung fairer Löhne oder Sozialleistungen
Wahrung zentrale Arbeitsrechte: Kinderarbeit sowie gesundheitsgefährdende Arbeitsbedingen sind absolute Ausschlusskriterien
Hohe Standards bei Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz
Fördern von grünen Energien wie Sonne, Wind, Wasserkraft oder Geothermie
Investitionen in Unternehmen, die Umweltschonende Technologien zur Gewinnung von Rohstoffen einsetzen
Fokussierung auf Unternehmen, die bereits Wiederaufforstungspläne bzw. den Rückbau der Förderanlagen in ihr Tagebaukonzept integrieren.
Ökologisches Denken auch im Arbeitsalltag, z.B. durch Vermeidung von Papier oder Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien
Gezielte Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung von Bestechung und Korruption
Aufbau bzw. Ausbau des Bildungssystems vor Ort (Errichtung von Schulen, Weiterbildungs- und Ausbildungsstätten für lokale Arbeitskräfte)
Auf- und Ausbau der Infrastruktur wie z.B. Straßen, Wasserkraftwerke, Solarkraftwerke oder Wohnanlagen für die Arbeiter und ihre Familien
Auf- und Ausbau der Gesundheitsversorgung wie z.B. Errichtung von Gesundheitszentren, Krankenhäusern oder Arztstationen